Meet the WonderCube from Mutants DesignLab
Tech Preview by Bryan Scheidler

When was the last time you were out on the town and your phone died? Did you have everything you needed to charge it: your cable, your charger, an outlet even? Sadly this happens to me far too often and the ability to plug in and charge my phone isn't always an option. That is where the creative team over at Mutant DesignLab comes to the rescue. The have created a Swiss Army Knife for the digital age and they call it the WonderCube.

The WonderCube is an all in one mobile device utility. It can provide charging in multiple ways, a cable to sync to a computer, an external media card reader, a phone stand, and a mini flashlight. It does all of this and is still smaller than a ping pong ball; and it's size is really what makes this so incredible. Any multi tool could do lots of what is offered here, but if it is too large to take with you then it is useless. Since the WonderCube is so small it is also a keychain solving the problem of remembering to grab it. You don't need to remember it because it is always with you.

The WonderCube promises a lot in a little package. Also considering what you have to pay for a stand alone external battery this little wonder seems like a steal. Go check out their website and their Indigogo campaign for all of the details and to find out how and when you can get one for yourself. If you are someone who is skeptical about supporting Indigogo or kickstarter campaign's don't worry, the WonderCube is fully funded and working on stretch goals. So what are you waiting for, go check it out now!
WonderCube Site
WonderCube IndiGoGo Site
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